An introduction to evidence-informed healthcare decision making

The Center for Health Policy (CHP) through their Evidence Synthesis Services, is part of the South African Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative (GESI) collaborating Centers (which includes African Center for Evidence, University of Johannesburg; Center for Evidence-based Healthcare, Stellenbosch University; Cochrane South Africa, SA Medical Research Council; Health Systems Research Unit, SA Medical Research Council) that are introducing evidence-informed healthcare decision making to the various departments of health across the country.

This project aims to introduce provincial and district health managers to the principles of:

  • Evidence-informed decision making in health care
  • Evidence synthesis and types of syntheses, including (Systematic reviews on effectiveness, Qualitative evidence synthesis, Scoping reviews, Rapid reviews, Evidence maps)
  • Good practices to promote the engagement between decision-makers, practitioners, and researchers
  • Applying evidence to your context

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